GLosso Factory W

MARS01 ADA 60F06/23/2018 01:31:09 AM Work 06/26/2018 11:05:09 PM


Spraying with Glosso Factory Dry Start / Wabi Kusa Spray every other day.

Category: additives
  • Southbayaqua
    07/03/2018 10:38:24 PM

    Interesting. Never realized there was a dry start spray. Have you used it before?

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    • jm
      07/17/2018 05:53:50 PM

      I have not used it, and I did every other day for the first 2 weeks and got alot of plant burn, so i stopped using it entirely. I know in my terrestrial plant world that liquid foliar sprays are dangerous during the daylight hours, so i figured perhaps my high light environment was causing evaporation and thus over concentration of its elements.

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    • Southbayaqua
      07/17/2018 08:39:19 PM

      Gotcha. Interesting experiment nonetheless

  • jm
    07/18/2018 12:23:44 AM

    I am going to use it on some plants around the house, I am sure I can find a use for it somehow. Maybe on some terrestrial mosses or wabi kusa.

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