bookshelfaquarium - 04/10/2018 10:48:25 AM - 2300 / 06 / 24 / 11


The goal of this scape was to keep the overall maintenance as easy as possible -- one, because I'm lazy and two, I wanted to let the plants do their own thing. I started off with relatively easy plants to grow, especially with C02. I had wanted to try and carpet Staurogyne repens on one side and Dwarf Hairgrass on the other, but the DHG ended up getting pulled out as it started to take over the entire tank. Xingu and Amazon Swords made up most of the background with some Lagenandra meeboldii 'Red' and Anubias nana petite and Anubias pangolino placed in randomly. The red plants in the back are a combo of Rotala sp. "Colorata" and Ludwigia sp. "Super Red Mini." It's currently stocked with Chili Rasboras, Ember Tetras, Cherry Shrimp, a Lemon Drop Pleco, Otocinclus and Nerite snails.


  • On: 9:30am
  • Off: 4:30pm


  • Diffusion
  • On: 9am
  • Off: 4pm
  • BPS: 1


  • Lily Pipe
  • 24/7


  • 1


    Interesting day. All the shrimp in my tank decided to have a party and were frantically swimming throughout the tank. This lasted for over 8 hours. ......

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    Comment (1)
    • Kaquatics
      06/11/2018 07:44:45 PM

      i love the development of this aquascape

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  • 2

    WEEK 40

    Finally really happy with tank and balance. Algae is completely gone and no signs of it coming back. Still doing 3x 30% water changes. ......

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  • 3

    Week 31

    Tank is starting to come into it's own. Algae only left on some of the wood. I let the Stauro grow a bit wild to make sure it took out the algae. S ......

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    • Sneetch12
      04/10/2018 06:27:09 PM

      love this tank!

      Like (1)
  • 4

    WEEK 27

    CO2 and fert balance beginning to be restored. Stauro finally starting to overcome the algae with new growth. A couple more weeks to go. ......

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  • 5

    WEEK 22

    Cladophora algae strikes... :( It’s taken it’s toll on the Stauro, completely coating it's leaves. I moved to 3x 30% weekly water changes (Thank ......

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  • 6

    WEEK 18

    Ludwigia sp. "Super Red Mini" added to back left corner. Stauro beginning to fill in on the right now. Some green algae appearing now. I didn't hav ......

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  • 7

    WEEK 13

    I grew tired of the Dwarf Hairgrass, so I removed it and added more Stauro to carpet the entire foreground. The DHG looked cool, but required to be a ......

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  • 8

    Week 10

    More Chili Rasboras and Ember Tetras added with more Cherry Shrimp, Ottos and Horned Nerites. Slowly removing the Salvinia Minima as all the fish get ......

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  • 9

    WEEk 4

    Added Chili Rasboras, some shrimp and Salvinia Minima to provide some cover for the fish. Dealing with some plant melt, but looks like they are showin ......

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    • dev
      11/11/2019 04:06:59 AM

      Private Aquarium

      Like (1)
  • 10

    DAY 3

    DAY 3 - Added more plants ......

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  • 11

    Day 1

    Day 1 set up on my UNS 45U. Ultum Nature Systems 45U (Amazon), Twinstar Light (Buceplant), SunSun HW-602B Canister Filter (Ebay), ADA Soil (LFS), Lil ......

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  • 12

    additives Added

    • Aqua Design Amano - Substrate
    • Aqua Soil-Amazonia

  • 13

    plants Added

    • Ludwigia Natas Super Red

  • 14

    plants Added

    • Anubias Nana Pangolino

  • 15

    plants Added

    • Anubias Nana Petitie

  • 16

    plants Added

    • Lagenandra Meeboldii ‘Red’

  • 17

    plants Added

    • Echinodorus Xinguensis

  • 18

    plants Added

    • Staurogyne Repens

  • 19

    shrimp Added

    • Red Cherry and Sakura

  • 20

    additives Added

    • Tropica - Fertilizer
    • Plant Growth Specialised

  • 21

    light Added

    • Twinstar - 450e

  • 22

    filter Added

    • SunSun - HW-602

  • 23

    tank Added

    • Ultum Nature Systems - 45u