Hypequarium - 05/28/2018 02:06:01 AM - 2324 / 04 / 20 / 08


My first Ada60p -tank ada cube garden 60p -light chihiros rgb 60cm -filter ahem classic 250 -pipes chihiros stainless steel -hardscape seiryu stones, la plata sand -soil ada amazonia


  • On: 2pm
  • Off: 10pm


  • Diffusion
  • On: 2pm
  • Off: 10pm
  • BPS: 2


  • None


  • 1


    Added 16 ember tetra. Tank is going super well, had some ferts problem, needed to put some po4 and now Montecarlo show his well shaped leaves. ......

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  • 2

    Healthy again

    After some hard days tank is going well due to water changes and cycled filter. Finally plants started to spread again, not fast as I expected but is ......

    Like (2)
    Comment (2)
    • Southbayaqua
      07/06/2018 01:40:35 PM

      Looks like you finally finished the cycle. Now the fun part begins!

      Like (1)
  • 3

    Scr shrimps

    Added 10 scr shrimp, water is almost perfect so its time to put some gems. ......

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  • 4

    Some PRoblems

    Real strugge. Montecarlo isnt healthy eleocharis mini si gettin whiter. Had some water troubles and no3 too and last but not least, algae over rocks. ......

    Like (2)
    Comment (4)
    • Southbayaqua
      06/13/2018 09:54:55 PM

      Oh my. Scrub it hard and do plenty of water changes. I’d add more Monte Carlo after you clear up the tank a bit. Otherwise it will just die along with the rest. Monte Carlo is pretty resilient. You should be able to turn it around w regular water changes.

      Like (1)
      • Hypequarium
        06/14/2018 07:58:25 AM

        Thank you mate, I just scrubbed hard rocks and changed 50% water, I also raised lamp level. I still using half doses of brighty K and green brighty minerals, i also put a fan on water to keep temp at max 25 celsius. Now I'll wait 3 days quiet ahaha.

        Like (1)
      • Southbayaqua
        06/14/2018 03:05:48 PM

        I didn't realize how hot your water temperature was. I tend to get slight algae blooms and plant melt with warmer water.

      • Southbayaqua
        06/14/2018 03:05:49 PM

        I didn't realize how hot your water temperature was. I tend to get slight algae blooms and plant melt with warmer water.

  • 5

    LittLe helPers

    Added 3 otocinclus and 5 japonica shrimp ......

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    Comment (5)
    • Southbayaqua
      06/02/2018 11:19:29 AM

      What is the larger textured sand you are using?

      Like (1)
      • Hypequarium
        06/03/2018 08:33:13 AM

        Is a blend of bio rio from ada, dennerle 6910 10-30mm gravel and aquael basalt 2-4mm gravel✌

        Like (1)
      • Southbayaqua
        06/04/2018 10:37:40 AM

        Oh wow. Excellent work. Never thought of usung bio rio cosmetically

    • Kaquatics
      06/11/2018 07:53:21 PM

      I really like the different textures

      Like (2)
      • Southbayaqua
        06/13/2018 11:27:20 AM

        They look good don't they?

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