6 weeks, post massive trim

UNS 60U DUTCH NATURE HYBRID08/27/2018 07:00:58 PM Work 10/15/2018 07:27:17 PM


So I had a huge diatom and green dust algae outbreak due to a faulty cco2 reg which caused massive co2 swings.. I switched to a UNS Mini reg and have dialed in my co2 higher. I also trimmed my stem plants up alot, hygro, and hydro. I also had to trim away alot of ar mini that was ugly and also some monte carlo since it had dying unhealthy spots. Im also gonnamlower my iron dosage daily of Brighty iron from 2 sqirts daily to 1 squirt daily. Im gonna also increase my watcerchanges from 25% every 5 days to 25% every 4 days to help combat the algae. I also added in some buce green wavy and red mini from tissue culture. I also added in some brownie phoenix and catherinae red that was farmed and i added some mini coin buc and brownie ghost along with some other unknown species.

Category: tank