So reached month 1. The tank is fully cycled so i just gotta add some cherry shrimp and some amanos. I also added the UNS Nature Bottle to supply co2. The diatoms though have gotten a little worse and there is also a hydra outbreak, most likely from one of the crypts. But there does happen to be alot of microfauna so even tho that is feeding the hydra, it is a good sign of a cycled tank. I have trimmed the rotala for the first time. I also trimmed back some H. Tripartia due to algae. I trim the hair grass once a week due to how fast it is growing and sending runners. The java fern is also starting to grow new leaves. Ill also have to trim the S.Repens soon as it is getting fairly tall. other than that the tank is good. Im thinking of getting a new light soon. Some R.Hra was added.
Category: tank
06/11/2018 07:42:54 PMhows the hair grass doing?
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