Ultum Nature systems 25c

Southbayaqua - 05/08/2018 01:21:36 PM - 2271 / 04 / 12 / 02


Ultum Nature Sustems 25c using one bonsai driftwood topped with bucephalandra brownie phantom. 2 manten stones are waiting to be mossed.


  • 1

    Atledtis e6 plus

    I’ve been pleased with this light. The color render is great. Puts out a decent amount of light. The spread is a bit limiting, but expected from thi ......

    Like (1)
    Comment (2)
    • Kaquatics
      06/11/2018 07:51:03 PM

      i love this light as well

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      • Southbayaqua
        06/20/2018 12:34:02 AM

        It’s pretty cool. Just wish atledtis would fix the white wire on the e6 plus

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  • 2

    Buce tree

    The buce tree is doing well. The betta fish hangs out in the tree regularly. Definitely needs a cleaning ......

    Like (1)
    Comment (2)
    • Kaquatics
      06/11/2018 07:51:14 PM

      beautiful betta

      Like (1)
      • Southbayaqua
        06/12/2018 01:16:46 PM

        Thank you in more ways than one!

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