boyandhisfish - 08/08/2018 10:21:19 AM - 2379 / 02 / 05 / 05


A low tech pond tank featuring marginal plants, floaters, and carpeting plants. The tank has no ferts, no CO2, no filter, and just a simple desk lamp. The tank does not run a filter because I'm afraid the current is would be too strong for my betta given the size of the tank. However, water quality is kept up through consistent and frequent water changes.


  • On: 10 AM
  • Off: 7 PM


  • Not used


  • None

Aquarium Elements


  • 1

    Marginal Growth

    Initially, my marginal plants had a difficult time adjusting to the tank likely due to shipment, the fact that they were grown under different conditi ......

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    Comment (2)
    • Southbayaqua
      09/26/2018 11:36:09 PM

      Amazing shot. This looks like a real pond.

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  • 2

    Floaters take over

    The red root floaters began to cover the surface of the water. Shortly after however, they began to melt (the same time I began to experiment with a T ......

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  • 3

    Bolbitis Melt

    My fern began to rot away. Not sure why, but eventually I had to remove it. If you look closely, you can see that it's beginning to turn blackish. ......

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    • Southbayaqua
      08/08/2018 01:49:12 PM

      I have this issue frequently with mini bolbitis. I believe occurs during the transitional phase from emersed to submersed. Also, periodically my long time submersed bolbitis occasionally sheds a few leaves from the branch.

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      • boyandhisfish
        08/08/2018 10:11:42 PM

        That's unfortunate. I really liked the look of the plant, but it's not around anymore. I have a few surviving stems which i'm keeping in another tank.

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  • 4

    Added Phyllanthus fluitans

    Added some phyllanthus fluitans (red root floaters) to shade the sand and provide Rose (my betta) with some cover from the bright light. ......

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  • 5

    Initial Planting

    Initial planting of the tank. Marginal plants pictured are: water celery (oenanthe javinica), star grass (dichromena colorata), and dwarf four leaf wa ......

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  • 6

    tank Added

    • Ultum Nature Systems - 5n