Seachem - Flourish
Flourish is a comprehensive plant supplement for the natural freshwater aquarium. It contains a rich assortment of important micro elements, trace elements and other nutrients. These include calcium, magnesium, iron and other important elements that have been shown to be beneficial to aquatic plants.
Seachem - Flourish Excel
Flourish Excel is a source of bioavailable organic carbon. All plants require a source of carbon. This is typically obtained from CO2, but, may also be derived from simple organic compounds (such as photosynthetic intermediates). The use of either CO2 injection or Flourish Excel does not necessarily negate the use of the other. Because the processes of producing photosynthetic intermediates and building onto them occur simultaneously, one can derive a substantial benefit with the use of Flourish Excel either alone or in conjunction with CO2 . The combination is particularly ideal for situations when continuing to add CO2 could result in dangerously low pH levels. Flourish Excel also has iron reducing properties which promote the ferrous state of iron (Fe+2), which is more easily utilized by plants than ferric iron (Fe+3).
Seachem - Flourish Iron
Flourish Iron is a highly concentrated (10,000 mg/L) ferrous iron gluconate supplement. Plants are able to much more easily derive a benefit from Flourish Iron because ferrous iron gluconate is already in the ferrous form so they do not expend energy reducing it. Despite what other manufacturers may intimate, gluconate is not harmful to plants or fish. In fact, ferrous gluconate is better suited to foliar feeding than is iron-EDTA owing to the relatively weaker iron-gluconate bonding vs. iron-EDTA bonding. In addition, ferrous gluconate has the added bonus of being a source of carbon.
Seachem - Flourish Nitrogen
Nitrogen is one of the main three macro nutrients (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium: NPK) required by plants and can often become the limiting factor to growth in a flourishing system. Flourish Nitrogen is a concentrated (15,000 mg/L) blend of nitrogen sources. It provides nitrogen in both the nitrate form and the plant–preferred ammonium form. However, no free ammonia is released because the ammonium in Flourish Nitrogen is complexed and unavailable until utilized by the plants. Flourish Nitrogen also provides nitrate for those plants that can readily utilize nitrate as well. Flourish Nitrogen is safe for invertebrates such as shrimp.
- N: 1%
Seachem - Flourish Phosphorus
Phosphorus is one of the main three macro nutrients (nitrogen, phosphorous, potassium: NPK) required by plants and can often become the limiting factor to growth in a flourishing system. Flourish Phosphorus is a safe solution (4,500 mg/L phosphate) of potassium phosphate that takes the guess work out of phosphate dosing. Unlike competing products that mix nitrate and phosphate in a fixed ratio, Flourish Phosphorus (being nitrate free) allows you to dose phosphorus according to the needs of your plants without the risk of overdosing nitrates. When used as directed, Flourish Phosphorus will enhance and accelerate the growth of aquatic plants without enhancing algae growth. Flourish Phosphorus is safe for invertebrates such as shrimp.
Seachem - Flourish Potassium
Flourish Potassium contains 50,000 mg/L of potassium suitable for the natural planted aquarium. Potassium is one of several elements that are vitally important to maintaining a vigorous level of growth in a planted aquarium. Potassium can become depleted in a rapidly growing system or when the source water has a low mineral content. In these cases potassium could become the limiting factor to growth. Use Flourish Potassium to prevent potassium depletion (signs of which include yellowing in older leaves) and maintain the highest level of growth.
Seachem - Flourish Trace
Flourish Trace supplies a broad range of trace elements demonstrated to be necessary for proper plant health and growth (see below for signs of deficiencies). Trace elements are normally depleted by utilization, oxidation and precipitation. The latter two processes occur more rapidly than with other micronutrients. This makes it important to restore trace elements on a regular basis. Best results are obtained when both are used. Flourish Trace is safe for invertebrates such as shrimp.
Tropica - Plant Growth Premium
We recommend 6 mL (3 pumps) per 50 L water weekly. However, we recommended that this is set in accordance with plant requirements. Specialised Nutrition contains, in addition to micro-nutrients, all essential macro-nutrients. The fertiliser is particularly suitable where plants display a lack of nutrition. However note that if algae growth starts, Specialised Nutrition will promote this growth.
Tropica - Plant Growth Specialised
Specialised Nutrition is added each week when the water is changed. The pump bottle dispenses 2 mL per push. Specialised Nutrition contains nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P). Dosage must therefore be adapted to plant absorption rates, to avoid undesirable algae growth. Where signs of algae growth develop, reduce the dosage by 50% and increase water changing frequency by 50%. Changing the water not only reduces the concentration of nutrients in the water, but also removes algae spores, remnants and other accumulated elements from the aquarium water.