Aqua Design Amano - Bacter 100

Bacter 100 is a substrate additive, containing more than 100 kinds of substrate bacteria in a dormant state. By sprinkling on the base substrate, it can make an ideal substrate environment. By applying on top of blue green algae, it suppresses the growth of it.
Aqua Design Amano - Green Bacter

Green Bacter is an additive, made from organic acid and designed for promoting the growth of filtration bacteria. It is effective for the aquarium in its initial set up period and after a regular water change.
Aqua Design Amano - Phyton Git

Phyton Git is a formula mainly produced from sterilizing ingredient extracted from plants. It is suppressing the fern disease and effective for removing blue green algae.
Aqua Design Amano - Green Gain

Green Gain is an additive helping the plant spread new leaves after trimming. It contains trace elements extracted from sea weed and plant hormone. It reduces stress of plants and enhances their growth.
Aqua Design Amano - Clear Water

CLEAR WATER is an Aqua Conditioner for eliminating phosphate (PO4) from aquarium water and it flocculates fine particles causing water cloudiness. The water becomes crystal clear with less algae growth by applying it to the planted aquarium.
Aqua Design Amano - Aqua Soil-Amazonia

Amazonia is substrate material, rich in organic acid and nutrients, promoting the growth of aquatic plant roots. By combining with Power Sand, it becomes the ideal substrate for plants. Powder type is used for small size aquarium or for spreading lightly over the normal type Amazonia.
Aqua Design Amano - Brighty K

BRIGHTY K is a liquid fertilizer supplying potassium to planted aquariums. BRIGHTY K also has an effect of enhancing the buffering capacity of water and prevents a decline in pH of aquarium water.